
Happy Sleeping Eco Friendly Korai River Grass Foldable Cushion Mat, (5X6 ft) 15MM with Mehroon Fabric.

(2746 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹3,250.00.Current price is: ₹1,800.00.

  • Designed and Produced with Extra Care
  • Eco Friendly Superior Quality Korai Grass Mat for Strength and Durability
  • Devoid of Fungus and Bacteria
  • 15 mm Foam Used for Cushion and Sleeping Comfortable
  • Widely Used at Home, Travel, picnic, yoga, Meditation,Studying, totally spot clean


30 in stock

SKU: FLMXL03 Categories: ,


Happy Folding Eco Friendly Korai River Grass Mat, with attractive Fabric printed,100% Useful product for sleeping, Picnic, Yoga, Out Door, Indoor, Hospital, Hostel, extra guess portable and easy hand wash able. It help to cool your Body, Relives back pain, gives peaceful sleep. Hand Woven with high density, light weight and soft cushion. The cushion is so soft and comfortable that it can easily get fold able or rolled up. Due to its light weight it can be carried easily any where anyhow. Amazing product with 100% Eco-Friendly fabric, soft foam 15mm and 23 density with strong stitching. Size 5X6 fit fold mat easy hand able to carry anywhere with comfort Designed and package content; Free from Bacteria and Fungus much more. MADE IN INDIA.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg
Dimensions 182 × 152 × 1.8 cm

2746 reviews for Happy Sleeping Eco Friendly Korai River Grass Foldable Cushion Mat, (5X6 ft) 15MM with Mehroon Fabric.

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